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Video highlights of Untamed Grace (7 minutes)

Center Mouvement & Nancy Hughes presents

Untamed Grace
A Performance Journey of Improv and Site


April 14, 2024Location: St. John’s Grace (Episcopal Church) Buffalo, NY

Directed, Choreographed, and Designed by Stephan Koplowitz
In Collaboration with the Performers of Mission Improvable

Performers/Collaborators: Fenna Mandolang, an0th3r.l0p3z, Avye Alexandres, Jenna Zodl,
Tim Greco, Jeremiah Apton, Bryan Johnson, Milagros Paredese, Christina Vega-Westhoff,
Melanie Aceto, Tim Greco, Monica Karwan, Sophia Roberts, May Kesler, Lindsay Daniels,
Ailani Graham-Shaw, Nanako Horikawa Mandrino, Sara Golic

With Stephanie Beauchamp performing 50 Looks (excerpt) by Merce Cunningham (under license

from the Merce Cunningham Trust, owner and copyright holder)

Music by Nusantara Arts, directed by Matt Dunning
Nusantara Arts Musicians:
Matt Dunning, Kelly Miller Schreiner, John Spears, Dan Lesniak,

Riesa Avanti, Peter Theryo, Tom Torrisi, Al Griffin, Kurt Volle,

Halim Byron, Kevin Kud, Juan Sebastian



Videography: Nick Green and Henry Raes

Video Editor: Keonah Son

2024 Mission Improvable Team
Organizational Manager: Lindsay Daniels
Cook Extraordinaire: Stephanie Beauchamp
Photographer: Michael Mandolfo
Assistants to Stephan Koplowitz and Stephanie Beauchamp:
an0th3r.l0p3z and Sara Golic

Community class teacher: Connor Graham
Buffalo Contact Improv Collective
Community Jam leaders:
Community class teachers: Max and Amaya
Community jam leader: an0th3r.l0p3z
Taking Care of the Space: Jenna Zodl
Breakfast Helper: Jeremiah Apton

Special Thanks:
St. John’s Grace, Clergy, and Staff and Phil Wackerfuss

©Kop Art, Inc/Stephan Koplowitz

Untamed Grace     (2024)


A Performance Journey of Improv and Site

Commissioned by Center Mouvement & Nancy Hughes


Site Location: St. John's Grace, Buffalo, NY 
Performed April 14, 2024

Untamed Grace was born from choreographer/producer Nancy Hughes' invitation to lead her annual Mission Improvable creative process workshop in Buffalo, NY. The vision for our process was to meld a site-specific approach to an improvisational mind to create a work of site performance. Given the brevity of our time together (five days), I decided the performance site should be where previous Mission Improvable's had occurred, at St. John's Grace (Episcopal Church). My excitement grew exponentially when I learned that a professional Gamelan orchestra is in residence at the church, resulting in our happy collaboration with Matt Dunning and Nusantara Arts.  

Producer Nancy Hughes created this short  promotional video to support fundraising efforts for the residency, it features dancing by Nancy Hughes and an0th3r.l0p3z
Untamed Grace (full version) 23 minutes

All photos by Michael Mandolfo and Stephan Koplowitz

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