Under Teodolapio (full work, single camera)
Ritual for a Perfect World (full work, single camera)
Concieved, Directed and Choreographed by Stephan Koplowitz
Music Composed by John King
Performed by Anyeli Arias, Consuelo Marie Barbetta, Jacob Campbell, Sharon Estacio, Rachel Johnson, Liana Percoco, Nicole Restani.
Produced by Andrea Paciotto and Adriana Garbagnati and La MaMa Spoleto Open
Production Coordinator: Carole Magnini
Production Assistant: Luca Martineau
Special Thanks: Polizia Municipale, Trattoria del Quarto,
Trattoria del Festival, Il Biologico, Trattoria Sportellino, Ristorante Il Panciolle, Hotel Clarici, Evidanse – Carole Magnini, David Diamond and the rest of the La Mama Umbria staff.
Commissioned and Presented by La MaMa Spoleto Open and La MaMa Umbria International
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Sculpture in Cita (1962) which was a curated exhibition of site-specific sculpture works found throught the city of Spoleto, Italy, Stephan Koplowitz and composer John King created two works for two specific site sculptures. The performances will be a part of both La MaMa Spoleto Open and the +50 exhibition curated by the Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna.
The two works created:
Under Teodolapio a site-specific performance for il Teodolapio, by Alexander Calder Piazza della Stazione, Spoleto, Italy.
Ritual for a Perfect World , site specific performance for the Spoleto Sfera and a temporary installation by Michele Manzini under the permanent sculpture by Buckminster Fuller Spoletosfera.
Koplowitz and King directed and collaborated with an ensemble of dancers from Italy and the United States. Working intensively during a ten-day period, the project’s aim was to continue to support the idea and mission of Spoleto as a city of living culture.
This creative residency culminated in two days of performances, during the first two days of the Spoleto Festival. They were free to the public.
Behind the scenes look at rehearsals (short promo video)
Photos of Teodolapio by SKoplowitz

Photos of Ritual for a New World by SKoplowitz