Off the Walls (two projects)
A Contemporary Extemporary Temporary Human Installation
17 minute video EXCERPTS
Conceived and Directed by Stephan Koplowitz
Choreography and Text created by the PERFORMERS under the direction of Stephan Koplowitz
Associate Producer: Andrea Lilienthal, Curator of Public Programs (1996)
Core Company Performers: Jason Andrew, Anna Brown, Marsi Burns, Caron Bosler, Elizabeth Ewing, James Finger, Mary Beth Gillam, Julia Gleich, Dina Matzner Goldstein, Cynthia Fuller-Kling, Eleanor Jardim, Jessie Lyons, Pene McCourty, Katrina O'Brien, Elizabeth Pavey, Phil Riley, Alice Teirstein, Dawn Watson
Guest Dancers: Kim Bendheim, Kathleen Hill, Carina Piaggio, Heather Rubrecht, Dorie Taylor, Jenny Kyung Ja Na
Music: John Bertles, Skip La Plante, Lincoln High School Choir; directed by Cecilia Myers, David Morrison, Christa Patton
Costume Coordinators: Judy Grodin and Karen Jenkins
Special Guest Artists/Installation Tour Guides: Rob Ewing, Maggie Osoinach, Claire Porter, Geoffrey Shlaes
Lighting Designer Jean-Paul Maitinsky
Planetarium Technician Patrick Dijusto
FUNDING CREDITS This production has been made possible with support from The Hudson River Museum of Westchester. the Hastings Creative Arts Council (through a grant from the Westchester Arts Council), an anonymous donor. a planning grant from the Lila W allace-Reader's Digest Arts Partners Program and the Glickenhaus Foundation. Electronic Media sponsor: Cablevision of Westchester.
Off the Walls - Hudson River Museum,Yonkers NY
November 14, 15, 16, 1996
Off the Walls: A Human Installation is a site-specific performance event in which live performance brings the entire museum to life. Choreography, theater, and live music, inspired by the museum’s art and architecture, create a unique experience that recontextualizes the art and the act of viewing art in a museum. The major component of Off the Walls is human installations (performances) inspired either by works of art in the museum or by the specific architecture of the museum. Each installation responds to either the art or architecture through the number of performers, the specific movement vocabulary, spoken text, the costumes (which can have a very direct response to the art), and the music/sound score that may accompany the installation. Off the Walls aims to renew audience members’ feelings and views about art, and museums. The Off the Walls process creates new interaction and dialogue between the performers, the museum, and the public.
“Climbing, slithering and jumping will all be in order here when the Hudson River Museum of Westchester presents ‘Off the Walls.’ The audience is meant to discover the six performances by strolling informally through the museum.”
--Roberta Hershenson, NYT 11/10/96
Off the Walls - Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine
October 29, 1993
Presented by the Portland Concert Association
A community arts project featuring members of the greater Portland, ME community.
“Stephan Koplowitz’s performance of Off the Walls: A Temporary, Contemporary, Extemporary Human Installation has become the standard-bearer for our Museum’s future programs...The quality of the choreography and the spirit of the event are now an integral part of the history of our building.... Stephan’s energy was contagious.”
--Dana Baldwin, Education Director, Portland Museum of Art
Documentation-3 minute Highlights of 60 minute event
Conceived, Directed and Choreographed by Stephan Koplowitz
Assistant Director: Heather Sultz
Rehearsal Assistants: Annie Boyden and MaryEllen Schaper
All Choreography and Text created by the PERFORMERS under the direction of Stephan Koplowitz
Wes Nickerson, Gina DeSciscio, Diana Sorus, Jeff Howe, Mary Ellen Schaper, Larry Miller, Marcella Makinen, Judith Sands, David Pearson, Annie Boyden, Carolyn Greaves, Andy Nebel, Connie, Heather Sultz, Nancy Salmon, Kym Dakin, Lisa Bergman, Mellisa Endo, Kate Bohrson, Orion Cooper, Robin Taba, Jean Armstrong,Lee Ross, Dana Wickner, Jenn Lilly, Lori Johnson, Phoebe Parker, Barbara Ryland, Amanda Harmon, Shannon Riley, Kim Snow, Priscilla Green, Marie Demicco, Eric Richardson, Dale Smith, Colin Malachy, Nancy Durgin, Newt Curtis, David Webster, Rhoda Filbrook, John Woodhead
Music by the Pinetones (Joel Eckhaus, Carty Thompson Trobairitz, Pam Blake, Carol Pierce)
The Windham Chamber Singers directed by Richard Nickerson
Video Directed by Wes LaFountain
Edited by Wes LaFountain and Andrea Sarris